Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Two Finals left

I've got two finals left- one today, a take home to finish by Monday, and one paper left. I can taste the finish line...or atleast I can see it in the horizon!

On a rainy/snowy mess of a day in Boston, it's hard to think about doing anything except snuggling with Lola and settling down with a good book and a cup of tea.
My favorite tea right now is Yogi green tea. It's the only green tea I have found that doesn't have that awful green tea aftertaste. This tea, warming and has pleasing aftertaste, very subtle. I don't put anything in my green tea, because I think it takes away from the floral flavor.

I went to Forest yoga this morning at 6:30 with a friend, it was a good way to wake up and start the day. I'm feeling so zen, if that's the correct word, before my exam...


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