Thursday, December 10, 2009

Holiday Events

Well, I now officially have two finals completed, and only one take home left. Of course, instead of working on it yesterday, I took Lola on some nice walks and cleaned the house. So, today I'm really trying to crank it out, before I start the weekend holiday fun! So, tonight thru Sunday, Dave and I have holiday plans!
Tonight, is the Beacon Hill Holiday Stroll. Tomorrow, we are heading to dinner with some friends to celebrate and get our yankee swap ideas in order. Saturday, a yankee swap- my gift is amazing, and I will post the picture on Sunday morning.:) Sunday am- is the Jungle Bell 5k- which in terms of my performance should be interesting since I have barely gotten a workout in ALL week! Sunday we are also having Dave's parents and my sister over for a little holiday feast!

Well, time to head back to Research Design... good times...

Here is the poster for tonight's stroll:


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