The Whole Foods in Bedford, made it fresh for me, and it hit the spot even at 9 o'clock in the morning!
The men that work at Minuteman VW are fantastic, especially Stefano, in service, and Chip the mechanic. They do such a nice job on my car, and are so helpful with terms and important dates on my car! I recommend them for anyone who needs repairs in the area, even if you don't have a vw!
I then went out to Natick to see my friend Jamie and her little man, Joey. He is such a power house! He crawls so fast... it must be all the veggies he eats!
Speaking of Joey and veggies...I took this picture at Whole Foods last week. Joey was really excited about the zucchini. :)
The rest of the day was filled with errands with baby Joey and Jamie, and then a trip to my friend Katie's studio, Ward 2 for wedding ideas.
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